The children and adults born with oesophageal atresia brings this OATSA family together. We support each other by sharing our stories and ensuring that each family and each member knows that they are not alone.


We belief in our slogan:

“…because being born unable to swallow is hard enough.”



Ben was born with a complicated long gap OA.  He had his first operation when he was one day old.  He had a long gap OA which could not be primarily repaired and the surgeons brought out a gastrostomy (feeding tube in the stomach) and oesophagostomy (small opening for saliva in his neck).  When he was 4 months old he had a gastric pull-up and spend 5 weeks in hospital.  Our Ben is not thriving. Due to our own experience and all the wonderful support from OA parents inspired us to make this support group an official NPC. Our group have many inspiring stories and we are proud to be apart of this amazing group.

Werner and Corné (parents of Ben)

Co-Founders and directors of OATSA

When I first heard Chris would be born with this condition, I felt confused at helpless.  He had had a half-dozen tubes coming out of him and had to have surgery straight after he was born.  I felt afraid and alone and it was hard to trust that he would recover.  Today when I look at him running off to school with his backpack, I feel proud and amazed at how far he has come.

Louise (mom of Chris)

Director of OATSA

Madi was born with a pure OA.  She had a long hospital stay and a stomach pull-up.  She also had an aortapexy and several feeding tubes.  Today she is 8 and an older sister and I am very proud of her.

Mom of Madi, Sally

OATSA Ambassador, KZN

Bastian is ons klein warrior prins! Hy het die sterkste wil, maar ook die sagste geaartheid. Die klein man het vir sy familie geleer wat dit is om geloof te hê en daarop te vertrou.

Lorraine en Barnes Venter

Ouers van Bastian (Kathu)

Amelia Elise de Villiers was born at 35 weeks with a Type C TOF. She was 4 days old when she had her operation to repair her TOF. Since then she had a stent in for 3 dyas and she had 4 dilataions. She is eating solids and is doing well!


Mom of Amelia, Belville

Estél is gebore 20 Junie 2023, op 36 weke. Sy het 2.4 kg geweeg en is gebore met ‘n “long-gap OA”. Sy het twee operasies gehad. Die laaste een, die maagoptrek, was op 18 Januarie 2024 en was suksesvol. Die OATSA groep se ondersteuning en advies het vir ons hoop gegee in hierdie moeilike tyd.


Ma van Estél (Douglas)

Jana was diagnosed with a short-gap OA/TOF shortly after birth and had her corrective surgery the day after. She spent 19 days in NICU and have been thriving at life since! I will forever be grateful to OATSA for supporting us after getting this scary diagnosis and guiding me and celebrating every milestone. What an incredible group of people1

Leana Louw

Mom of Jana (Cape Town)

Heinrich was op dag 3 geopereer vir ‘n Tipe C OA en was 3 weke in NICU.  Hy het daarna met ‘n koppie gevoed, totdat hy sterk genoeg was om te borsvoed.  Hy het 11 dilatasies gehad voor hy 18 maande oud was.  Hy sukkel soms met sy longe, het soms kos wat vasteek en refluks as hy verkeerd eet, maar ontwikkel verder normaal.


Heinrich se ma

Shelton Tofile is almost 4.  He was transfered to George Mukhari Academic Hospital shortly after birth where he was diagnosed with OA.

Mom Ethel


Malia was born with VACTERL anomalies including OA and TOF.  She teaches me how to be happy and stay strong no matter what.   No obstacle is too big for her.  

Zurica (mom of Malia)

OATSA Ambassador, Mpumalanga

Akahlulwa is a beautiful, strong boy that was born with an OA.  He has spent many months in hospital and has gone through a number of surgeries.  He has conquerd all his challenges and is always happy and smiling.

Mom of Akahlulwa

OATSA Ambassador, Eastern Cape

Baby Hunter. Now much older and doing well.

10 years old paying it forward and leaving a messages for breast cancer patients….


Baby Fabio

More OATSA Heroes

Lwanele was born 1 June 2017. He weighed 1.6kg and was diagnosed with a TOF, hydrocephaus, encephalocele, tracheomalacia and laryngomalacia and had an imperforated anus. He had 4 major surgeries in his first year of life.  Today he is 6 years old and going strong..

Mom Chelesani


Shortly after birth doctors found I had a condition called Tracheo-Oesophageal Fistula and Oesophageal Atresia with Tracheobronchomalacia (TBM).

My past 25 years have been a journey to say the least, of both tough and good times.

As I grew up and got older, living with my condition became easier as my body adapted and I adjusted through trial and error with regard to eating patterns and habits, which foods worked or didn’t, day to day living, severity of colds, flu’s and pneumonias, signs when something is amiss and the severity of such things.

Today I am qualified as an Enrolled Nurse and wanting to pursue a further career in Emergency Medicine as a Paramedic,

Aiden Matthews

OATSA Board Member

* Price